-- Hector and the " Hiccups " --
Hector , the bookshop cat , is an affectionate fellow . When at home , he is often on a chair next to me while I work , or at my feet . A paw reaches over to my leg , a head bumps against my arm , and I know it ’ s time to cuddle a favorite furball . We were in the middle of a cuddle ( guarding against zipper chewing !) when * hic *
A little burp ? An odd sound with a shift in his body ? Then , it happened again - * hic *
Hector has the hiccups ! So cute , but then most everything he does is cute . But this is new for him , and for me . So , I head to the computer for information on cats and hiccups . It seems that it is not a rare event for a cat , who like humans and other mammals has a diaphragm to push air in and out of lungs . Like us , it can get irritated . The internet spends a good amount of time talking about overeating or swallowing too quickly . It can even be caused by purring , and that is something that Hector does frequently . Just like human hiccups , lots of possible causes , no sure-fire way to cure them . And like our hiccups , they often resolve themselves in cats .
* hic *
Yes , Hector . They ARE annoying . He shakes his head with one of them . I ’ m stroking him . Of course , more digging reveals that hiccups that last for more than a couple of hours , or are frequent , can mean a larger problem . So , it can be serious . Digestive tract infections , inflammation , or food allergies can cause more gas to be produced . That can irritate the stomach and diaphragm and cause regular bouts of hiccups . If you see changes in your cat ’ s weight or stool , or if hiccups are associated with vomiting , coughing , or abnormal breathing , it should be treated more seriously and checked by a vet .
Vet ?? Hector ' s ears flick nervously . He loves his vet when she comes over to the house to check him yearly , but driving to a vet is an emergency visit - both for the reason and for the reaction Hector has when riding in a car . He is strictly a cat carrier passenger and most unhappy . “ No , sweetie . No vet today .” He snuggles into another position and * hic *
One of the things most websites say is that the normal things we do as humans to end the hiccups are not things to do to your cat . Please , please , no loud noises or sudden movements . I ’ m not certain that you can frighten / surprise a person out of the hiccups and it will simply make your cat fear you . The only thing suggested that is similar to people is to make certain that your cat has access to lots of clean water . Always needed by all of us , as I scritch Hector ’ s head and he shifts again . He responds with a long session of purring …. hiccups are gone .
- by Linda Roller , Bookseller , Writer , & Owner of Liberty Book Shop in beautiful downtown Avis , PA .
Hours : Thursday & Friday 10-6 , Saturday 10-3 , or by appt .
“ Where yesterday ’ s books are today ’ s treasures .”
LibertyBookShop @ comcast . net www . thelibertybookshop . com
Pawsitively Pets -- January 5