Mentorship : A Useful Tool for Retaining Women in the Profession
Immediate Past Florida Bar President Michael G . Tanner used his presidential platform to focus on professionalism in the legal profession . The January 2021 Florida Bar membership survey results showed that nearly one-third of responding members said the most serious problem facing our profession today is a lack of ethics and professionalism . To address this concern , Mr . Tanner created a “ Special Committee for the Review of Professionalism in Florida ,” co-chaired by The Florida Bar ’ s current President Gary Lesser . When Mr . Lesser assumed the presidency at The Florida Bar ’ s Annual Convention in June 2022 , he announced boosting mentorship and encouraging professionalism and ethics as his top priorities .
Although these esteemed leaders articulated distinct visions that will allow them to leave their own individual imprints on The Florida Bar , their ultimate goals and objectives relating to professionalism are so indelibly intertwined as to allow for a smooth , seamless transition from one leader to the next . Both men sought to use their influence to address issues relating to how law is practiced in Florida , the public ’ s perception of the legal profession , and how we relate to one another as attorneys and to judges and clients .
Any analysis of professionalism-related concerns , however , should also examine professionalism in the context of the role of women and their unique challenges as practitioners . In October 2015 , the Young Lawyers Division of The Florida Bar released findings from its 2015 YLD Survey on Women in the Legal Profession , and 43 % of respondents reported experiencing gender bias , including harassment from opposing counsel , an employer , or the court .
Earlier that year , on January 30 , 2015 , in response to a perceived decline in professionalism , The Florida Bar Board of Governors approved The Florida Bar ’ s Professionalism Expectations . The Florida Bar ’ s Professionalism Expectations assert that attorneys must avoid discriminatory conduct prejudicial to the administration of justice in connection with the practice of law . Therefore , gender bias and discrimination are incompatible with the goals of professionalism .
Nevertheless , women still face obstacles . Although there are currently more women than men attending law schools and women outpace men in entry-level hiring at top law firms , women often leave the profession due to disillusionment with the industry . Surveys show that women often cite a lack of promotion opportunities and unequal pay , mental health concerns , gender stereotypes and harassment , and lack of mentorship as reasons for leaving the profession .
As of May 2021 , the state with the highest employment of women attorneys was California – followed by New York and Florida . 1 Women account for almost 38 % of The Florida Bar membership ( members in good standing , February 2017 ) 2 and 40 % of the legal profession nationally 3 ; nevertheless , they are not proportionately represented in law firm partnerships or judgeships . The numbers are bleaker when we review statistics for Black women . A 2022 ABA report found “ Women of color have the highest rate of attrition from law firms as they continue to face firm cultures where their efforts and contributions are neither sufficiently recognized nor rewarded .” 4
With regard to the judiciary , Edith Meserve Atkinson became the first female Judge in Florida in 1924 , when she was elected to the Juvenile Court of Dade County , but it was not until 1981 that Leah Simms became the first black female judge in Florida . With the recent appointment of Justice Renatha Francis from Palm Beach County , women hold two of the seven seats on the Florida Supreme Court , approximately 32 % of the judicial seats in Courts of Appeal , 42 % of circuit court judgeships , and 49 % of county judgeships . 5
Although the problem of women leaving the legal field must be addressed using a multifaceted approach , mentorship is one way to tackle this issue . Mentoring programs are useful to building self-esteem , opening doors previously thought closed , acquiring knowledge of procedural and substantive
PBCBA BAR BULLETIN 21 areas of the law , and instilling in younger attorneys the importance of character , competence , commitment , and civility . Mentors can model ideal behavior , provide guidance in handling difficult clients and / or opposing counsel , and serve as a confidant for those dealing with disillusionment , mental health concerns , or professional challenges relating to career advancement and negotiating salaries .
I , like many female attorneys , was mentored by retired Judge Sheree Davis Cunningham , the first African American woman to serve as judge in Palm Beach County . She was a working mother who always clothed herself with the temperament , strength , character , and compassion that inspired all that came before her . This is why more than two dozen Black women lawyers chartered the Palm Beach County Sheree Davis Cunningham Black Women Lawyers Association , which strives to provide mentorship , guidance , and support to its members and their unique experiences in the practice of law .
According to the 2021 Florida Bar Membership Opinion Survey , 82 % of the respondents thought it would be a good idea for The Bar to create a mentoring program where experienced lawyers would provide professional guidance and share practical knowledge with new lawyers .
The Palm Beach County Bar Association ’ s Professionalism Committee has a Bar Buddies / Mentoring Program . I encourage Palm Beach County attorneys , and in particular female attorneys , to consider joining the program . To serve as a mentor or mentee , please contact subcommittee chair Jeffrey Lampert : lampertpleadings @ gmail . com .
1 https :// www . statista . com / statistics / 1086790 / sharelawyers-united-states-gender /
2 https :// www . floridabar . org / about / diversity / diversity003 / issue-04 /
3 https :// www . statista . com / statistics / 1086790 / sharelawyers-united-states-gender /
4 https :// www . americanbar . org / content / dam / aba / administrative / women / leftoutleftbehind-int-fweb-061020-003 . pdf
5 https :// www . nawj . org / statistics / 2022-us-state-courtwomen-judges