What ’ s Happening in Housing ? January 19 , 2023 1:00 p . m . – 5:00 p . m .
Welcome and Sponsor Acknowledgement 1:30 p . m . – 2:00 p . m . Background on Housing - by Jack Rice , Esq ., Gunster
a . Affordable vs . Workforce Housing b . Early Florida Statutory Provisions Addressing Housing c . Housing Statistics in Palm Beach County
2:00 p . m . – 3:00 p . m . Bonds - by Morris G . “ Skip ” Miller , Esq . Greenspoon Marder , LLP and Max Lohman , Esq . Lohman Law Group , P . A .
Roles – Who does what and why does it matter in the context of housing ? Bond & Disclosure Counsel Issuer ’ s Counsel
3:00 p . m . – 4:00 p . m . Recent Developments - by Tara Duhy , Esq ., Lewis , Longman & Walker and Kimberly Rothenburg , Esq ., City of West Palm Beach
§ 166.04151 , Florida Statutes – What ’ s new ? Preemption – are the recent amendments effective tools or new headaches ? Quasi-Judicial and Legislative Approvals – What ’ s the difference and how does each fit into housing regulation and decisions related to housing ?
a .
Bond Referendum – Recently County voters approved a new effort to combat the region ’ s affordable housing crisis , endorsing a $ 200 million program to encourage building more moderately priced homes . What ’ s next ?
b . Comprehensive Plan Consistency – What should be expected given the latest statutory amendments related to housing ?
4:00 p . m . - 5:00 p . m . The future of Housing in Florida
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This course has been approved by the Florida Bar to receive 5.0 General Credits and 5.0 Certification Credits in State and Federal Government and Administrative Practice and City , County , and Local Government Law . Cost : $ 150 Regular PBCBA Members ; $ 190 Non-PBCBA Members ; $ 30 Government Members ; and $ 45 non-member Government Attorneys . Register online at palmbeachbar . org or mail a check to P . O . Box 17726 , West Palm Beach , 33406