Presented by the Solo & Small Firm Committee
Tuesday , January 24 , 2023 11:15 a . m . to 1:15 p . m .
Live CLE at the Bar Office 1507 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach
11:15 A . M . to 11:45 A . M . Effective Ways to Get Referrals from Your Own Clients
11:45 A . M . – 12:00 P . M . Lunch and Introductory Statements by Moderators Debra Jenks , Esq . and Thomas Ali , Esq .
12:00 P . M . – 12:25 P . M . Speaker : Alan D . Crowetz , InfoSream , Inc . Hardware and Information Technology – Taming the Hardware Beasts – Computers , Cloud vs . On Premises , Servers , Wifi ; Cybersecurity ; Help - Who You Gonna Call ? Importance of Qualified IT Support for Lawyers
12:25 P . M . – 12:50 P . M . Speaker : Mark Osherow , Esq ., Osherow , PLLC Operational Essentials - Software , Practice Management Billing & Accounting , Trust Ac counting , Data Storage , ESI Tools , Research , and Service Vendors
12:50 P . M . – 1:15 P . M . Speaker : William Mulligan , Esq ., Chief Disciplinary Counsel for the Florida Bar Broward / Palm Beach Counties Safety Net for Clients - Rules Regulating the Florida Bar – Rule 1-3.8 – Inventory Attorney – Impairment , Disability , and Death – What Are Your Ethical Obligations
Cost includes lunch and CLE : General 1.5 , Ethics 0.5 and Technology 1.5 PBCBA Members Registration : $ 20.00 required : Attorneys who are not PBCBA Members : $ 35.00
Pre-Registration Required @
https :// pbcba . intouchondemand . com / aaeventinfo . aspx ? eventid = 33737
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