Bench Bar 2023 Conference Co-Chairs Robbie Wight and Jen Dinetz
Judge Ted Booras Honored for Legal Community Service
We are excited to introduce Bench Bar 2023 ’ s co-chairs , Robbie Wight and Jen Dinetz . For over forty years , the judges and lawyers of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit and Palm Beach County meet to address pending issues in the Circuit and reconnect with colleagues .
The Bench Bar Conference continues to serve as the largest gathering of Palm Beach County judges , attorneys , and paralegals , offering a unique forum to discuss pressing issues facing our legal community . This year ’ s Bench Bar Conference theme is “ Raising the Bar to Meet New Challenges ”. The event is scheduled for Friday , March 10 , 2023 , at the Palm Beach County Convention Center .
The PBCBA Judicial Relations Committee would appreciate your firm ’ s sponsorship support and participation . Firms will receive recognition on e-blast notifications , on the website , and on signage at the Conference . Firms interested in sponsoring may pay online or mail a check to the Palm Beach County Bar Association , Attn : Carla Tharp Brown , P . O . Box 17726 , West Palm Beach , FL 33416 .
The 2023 Bench Bar Conference will be held on March 10 , 2023
• Sponsorship levels are as follows :
• $ 395.00 for law firms with 1-5 attorneys ( includes one free registration )
• $ 695.00 for law firms with 6 or more attorneys ( includes two free registrations )
In late November , PBCBA honored Judge Ted Booras for his service to our Legal Community and our Country as part of the Florida Patriot Event , along with other county bars across the state of Florida . Judge Booras served in the U . S . Marine Corps . He was elected to the County Court Bench in September 2006 and began the Veteran ’ s Court in Palm Beach County in November 2010 .
[ Pictured Left-Right ]: Judge Ted Booras being given his award by PBCBA ' s President-Elect Grasford W . Smith .
Nominations for 2023 Diversity , Mentorship & Professionalism Awards
Three awards will be presented at the 2023 Bench Bar Conference , including the Annual Judge Edward Rodgers Diversity , the Annual Judge Meenu T . Sasser Mentorship , and the Annual Sidney A . Stubbs Professionalism Awards . To access the nomination forms , please visit www . palmbeachbar . org and select the Professionalism Committee & Committee for Diversity & Inclusion ' s additional popout options from our site ' s top toolbar .
YLS Sidebar Series page 10 YLS No Shave November page 11 PBCBA Holiday Party pages 16-17
PBCBA Family Day page 22