Saturday , January 1st New Years Day ( Holiday )
Tuesday , January 4th Probate & Guardianship Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Wednesday , January 5th President-Elect Petitions Due
Wednesday , January 5th Estate Probate Committee Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Wednesday , January 5th PBCBA & Historical Society Event 5:00 P . M . - 7:00 P . M . Historical Courthouse
Thursday , January 6th LRE Committee Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Thursday , January 6th NCS Inaugural Pickleball Night 5:30 P . M . - 7:00 P . M . Palm Beach Tennis & Racketball Center
Friday , January 7th ADR Committee Meeting 10:00 A . M . - 11:00 A . M . Live via Zoom
Friday , January 7th Workers ' Comp Committee Meeting 1:00 P . M . - 2:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Tuesday , January 11th Coffee & Bagels with the Judges 8:00 A . M . - 8:30 A . M . Live via Zoom
Tuesday , January 11th YLS Committee Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Wednesday , January 12th Board of Directors Petitions Due
Wednesday , January 12th NCS Board Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Thursday , January 13th Construction Law CLE 9:00 A . M . - 12:30 P . M . Bar Office
Thursday , January 13th Circuit Civil Committee Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via zoom
Friday , January 14th Committee Chair Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Monday , January 17th Martin Luther King , Jr . Day ( Holiday ) Bar Office Closed
Tuesday , January 18th CDI Committee Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Wednesday , January 19th Professionalism Committee Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Wednesday , January 19th Solo & Small Firm Committee Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Thursday , January 20th Bench Bar Committee Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Thursday , January 20th Business Litigation Webinar 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Thursday , January 20th YLS Happy Hour 5:30 P . M . - 7:30 P . M . Location TBD
Tuesday , January 25th YLS Sidebar Series 11:30 A . M . - 1:00 P . M . Main Courthouse
Wednesday , January 26th Unified Family Practice Committee Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Wednesday , January 26th PBCBA Board Meeting 5:00 P . M . - 6:00 P . M . Bar Office
Thursday , January 27th Monthly Review of Recently Issued Appellate Opinions 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Live via Zoom
Thursday , January 27th JRC Committee Meeting 12:00 P . M . - 1:00 P . M . Main Courthouse - Judicial Dining Room
Friday , January 28th Robing Ceremony for Hon . April Bristow 4:00 P . M . - 5:00 P . M . Main Courthouse - Courthouse Room 11A