January 2021 - Volume 6 - Issue 1 January 2021 | Page 28


Patrick Koether Memorial Sportsmanship Award Winner : Timothy Anderson

Timothy Anderson is awarded the 2020 Patrick Koether Memorial Sportsmanship Award , presented by Rekluse Motorsports . Tim was nominated for the award for going above and beyond to help out his fellow riders . Tim and his team is who you will see installing Kenda Tires and tubes all weekend long at all NEPG events . He also came up with the idea to have Kenda Tubes and tools on the gas trailers at events to help fellow riders if they get a flat tire to have the equipment to fix it and continue on their race . Tim is known to go out of his way to make sure that a downed rider makes it out
photo courtesy of Kenda AMA Enduro Series
of the woods safely , even if it was to mean he sacrificed his own race . Tim will give any person at the event his attention to talk anything and everything about racing . He loves the sport and will never say anything negative about a fellow rider or product .
Electric Cycle Rider gives Electric Motion the “ Technical Terrain electric bike ” pick .