January 2020 January 2020 | Page 5

feature article jan 2020 GOLF CARTS: FUN-SIZED TRANSPORTATION OR MENACE? S OUTH HAVEN — Over the past three years golf carts have become a common site on South Haven city streets during summer months. The people who ride them look like they’re having fun, and finding a spot to park the carts in the crowded downtown area can be much easier than it is for standard-size vehicles. But some people wonder why golf carts were ever allowed to operate on city streets in the first place. The issue was front and center last week with the city’s plan- ning commission. “We’ve all heard our neighbors complain about golf carts and we’re cognizant of the fact that Labor Day has come and gone and Memorial Day will be coming up. So we have a few months to look at this (golf cart ordinance) and maybe tweak it,” said planning commission Chairman Tim Stege- man. The city council passed the original ordinance to allow golf carts on city streets in 2016, according to Assistant City Man- ager Kate Hosier, and did so with the intention of revisiting the law to determine its effectiveness. At Thursday’s meeting she asked planners whether they wanted to review how golf carts operate in the city. JANUARY 2020 5