January 2020 January 2020 | Page 46

PRODUCT Security Systems for YOUR Golf Cart www.golfcartcable.com | 678-456-8457| [email protected] One of the most un- available things for a golf cart is a security de- vice or system to keep it from getting stolen that isn’t bulky and inconve- nient. There are steering wheel clubs that really aren’t effective, acceler- ator pedal block boxes which are a giant pain, and one or two elec- tronic systems that cost a mint. It seems like the industry as a whole just passed right over being able to secure your golf cart! 46 WWW.GOLFCAROPTIONS.COM CaddyShack Golf Carts of GA, is partnership with Golfcart- cable.com have created a solution for this problem. We have designed a small, economically feasible system that works just like a car alarm with starter kill. After installing this system, your cart will not go just by turning the key on and pressing the accelerator. You will have a remote just like for your car that will fully disable your cart at the click of the button. This will pre- vent unauthorized use and joyriding as well as theft when parked in public. Most cart manufacturers have one key. That one key works on all their carts. Anyone can buy a key, watch you park your cart and simply get in and drive off. But if you have installed our security module, they will be thwarted right from the start. Contact us today for more information, or view the items available in our website store!