Fixing A
Blown Fuse
As more people choose
When you discover the malfunc-
golf cars as their pre-
tioning part of the electrical system,
ferred method for
you know the name of the blown
quick transportation,
fuse. An example is the electric
Things You’ll Need
understanding how to
start. If the golf car won’t start, then
make simple repairs,
on the inside of the service panel
8 New
like changing a blown
read to see where the electrical
fuse, becomes neces-
start fuse is and pull it out.
8 Fuse pliers (optional)
sary. If you don’t have
Pinch the fuse with your fin-
a local golf car dealer,
gers and pull it straight out. Some-
many hardware stores
times on the inside service panel
also carry fuses that are
there are plastic pliers to help you
compatible with those in
pull the fuse. If there are no pliers
a golf car. Remember a blown
then use your finger tips.
fuse can also indicate that there
may be an electrical problem
8 Read the fuse and determine what the level of current is.
and requires a thorough exam-
Most fuses have white numbers stamped on the face of the
ination of the circuit system to
fuse to tell you the type of fuse. Examples of level of current
locate the problem.
stamps on a fuse are 5A, 10A and 15A.
8 Locate the service panel on
the rear fender on the driver
side of the golf car behind the
battery. Read the inside panel
to determine the level of cur-
rent the fuses are set to take at
a maximum voltage. It is com-
mon for fuses to be 250V. Pay
close attention to the current
rating on the fuse; the current
rating needs to be the same
when replacing. An example is
a 10A current level on a 250V
system is replaceable with a 5A
current level on a 17V.
8 Search for the bad fuse. Pay
attention to what part of the
electrical system isn’t working.
8 Purchase the replacement fuse with the same level of cur-
rent as the blown fuse. As mentioned in Step 2, the volts can
vary, but not the level of current.
8 Push the replacement fuse into the same slot as the blown
fuse. It is important that you push the fuse in straight and
until it can’t go in any further. A fuse not pushed in all the way
causes a weak connection and the possibility of the fuse blow-
ing again.
Tips & Warnings
8 Routine maintenance can prevent a small issue like a
blown fuse from becoming a major electrical problem.
8 If the fuse continues to blow, there is a serious problem
with the electrical system.