c k y W o rL D
You may have thought, at some point, that
your golf car is expensive. Whether you
were purchasing a new or used golf car, a
pack of batteries, or just a few accessories,
the price of a golf car and its upkeep can get
pricey. After reading this, you will be com-
fortable with your golf car spend.
Originally reported in Bloomberg earlier this
month, golf cars are an expensive delicacy
afforded only by the mega rich in a small
corner of Hong Kong. Would you believe
that golf car prices are topping those of a
Tesla or Porsche?
In a small residential community called Dis-
covery Bay, outside of Hong Kong, golf cars
are the transportation of choice. Like many
golf car communities in the US, like Boca
Grande and Sun City, private passenger
cars are not permitted. The quaint two lane
roads are heavily populated with bicycles,
pedestrians, and golf cars. Private residenc-
es in Discovery Bay typically sell between
$8M and $80M.
And here is why golf cars are so expensive-
Discovery Bay has a population of 20,000,
according to the 2016 census. The Transpor-
Your Golf Car Is
Worth More Than
You Think
(Reprint May ‘18)
By Julie Starr, Owner
WHEELZ Custom Carts & Accessories
tation Department has capped golf car licenses
at 500. In order to own and drive a golf car within
Discovery Bay, you must have a golf car license.
The short supply has skyrocketed the prices for
golf cars and their accompanying licenses within
the community. Since standard vehicles are not
permitted, walking and biking are the only ways to
get around if you aren’t one of the lucky few with a
golf car license.
Recently, licensed golf cars have been selling for
$255,000USD within Discovery Bay. The upscale
neighborhood is home to airline pilots, bankers,
lawyers, and high profile investors. The ability to
own a golf car is not only convenient but is also a