January 2017 January 20, 2017 | Page 14

Page 14 The Colebrook Chronicle Friday , January 20 , 2017

Around The Region

Tables were full of people enjoying food and music at the High Forest Red Cross turkey dinner on Wednesday . Corey Bellam photo .
Terry Howell , Wayne Alden and Don Atkinson kept everyone entertained during the High Forest Red Cross turkey dinner at midday on Jan . 18 . Corey Bellam photo .
Ice build-up has been a problem in the area with rapid weather changes causing flooding and freezing , seen here at the St . Francis River in front of Bishops University . Corey Bellam photo .
MEMORIAL POOL TOURNAMENT On Saturday , the temperatures were very low , but at the ANAF Unit 318 the love of playing pool was keeping all warm . A special pool tournament was underway and being held in honor of a dear friend to all – Dan “ Turk ” Maurice .
We spoke with Keith Langevin , organizer of this event for the ANAF Unit 318 , and longtime friend of Dan . Dan loved the ANAF – or as many know it , “ The Hut .” He could be often found there enjoying a Rye and Coke , usually made with Crown Royal . This man loved pool , but he loved being with people and laughing even more . In 2014 , Dan “ Turk ” Maurice was diagnosed with cancer , and that put the whole community in shock , but it didn ' t slow Dan down as his battle began . He purchased a brand new pool table and donated it to the Hut for all to enjoy . It was Dan ' s wish before he passed away to do this so all members and their friends could enjoy it and have many laughs while playing a game he enjoyed very much . When Dan started to get worse from his cancer , he was taken to the Aube Lumiere Cancer Hospice in Sherbrooke , where he spent his last days being taken care of by a loving team of doctors and nurses . The proceeds of this weekend ’ s pool tournament will go to the Aube Lumiere Hospice .
Dan would have been so proud of these players that we ’ re sure he must have been sitting there watching , sipping on a Rye and
Coke and grinning from ear to ear .
– Corey Bellam
HIGH FOREST RED CROSS TURKEY DINNER Good old country friendship was in the air as the High Forest Red Cross , held their after the holiday turkey dinner with all the fixings for over 50 area people . The High Forest Red Cross started almost a century ago , with many members . Since , then , they ’ ve never changed their caring ways and eagerness to help the community in any way they can . This caring shone through yet another time with the holding of this turkey dinner .
The ladies , along with a few men , prepared a meal fit for a king on Wednesday at noon , with many homemade pies for dessert . After the dinner , three local musicians – Terry Howell , Don Atkinson and Wayne Alden – entertained all with their talents that kept toes and fingers tapping until almost 3 p . m . Everyone headed home with a full tummy and a big smile on their face .
– Corey Bellam
UPCOMING WREN WORKSHOPS The month of January is the time to reflect on and renew goals for the new year . Students will be guided by instructor Gina Welch in creating a personal Vision Board that will spark interest and motivation toward achieving them .
Want to learn more about essential oils and how they can
A memorial pool tournament was held at The Hut to honor Dan “ Turk ” Maurice on Jan . 14 . Corey Bellam photo .
help promote a healthy , natural way of life ? Join Claudette Paulin Eames as she instructs attendees on the various advantages of essential oils and guides them in creating their own personal mixture , which they can bring home .
With an eye to learning about the many properties of stones and how they can affect other aspects of life , instructor Julie Bryan will be on hand to share her deep knowledge of the interactions different stones have upon each other and those around them . This fun workshop is open to all ages and no skills are necessary to attend .
All three of these workshops will be held on Thursday , Jan . 26 , from 6-8 p . m . at the WREN Maker Studio in Berlin . Pre-registration is encouraged .
Learn about Taro for Beginners at the WREN Maker Studio in Berlin . This is a six week workshop series held on Saturdays from 6-8 p . m ., starting on Feb . 4 and ending on March 11 . Expert Tarot Reader , Christina Lefevbre of the Tarot Room , will explore the history , symbolism , and use of Tarot as a group .
A beginners workshop , this class is designed to help the Tarot novice deepen their understanding of this ancient form of divination . Participants will uncover traditional meanings and learn tips to develop their own intuitive skills to interpret the cards . They will learn about different decks , the meanings of each suit , three different spreads and how to perform readings . Bring your own 78-card deck or
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The late Dan “ Turk ” Maurice , who was surely smiling at all from this photograph at The Hut .