Janfam Issue 2 - Dance (printable) | Page 21

“JanFam: The Movement. How can one explain this incredible experience? JanFam has given me an outlet to express myself in a way I never thought I could. The love I feel whenever I'm around this group of people is unreal. Everyone is family. We support each other in everything we do. Everyone involved in JanFam: The Movement is there for the love of dance and the love for Janet. I've never been able to connect to a group of people the way I connect to everyone in JanFam. Growing up, I've dreamt of being able to dance beside some of the greatest legends in dance history. Not only have I been able to accomplish that goal, but they now consider me family. That blows my mind. I now have more confidence in my craft, love in my heart and friendships to last a lifetime all thanks to JanFam. I couldn't be more grateful.” – Tyannah Vasquez

“My experience with JanFam: The Movement has been nothing short of amazing! I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from choreographers and dancers that I watched growing up. The experiences that they share are inspiring and give a whole other outlook into the industry and how we should perform. More so, the sheer excitement of learning original choreography energizes you and keeps you moving. JanFam: The Movement is more than a dance workshop. Its' events foster a sense of appreciation and love for anyone who attends and opens doors for free expression and new friendships. I left my first workshop feeling like I not only gained new friends, but a new family. What is special about JanFam: The Movement is that after the dance workshop is over, the time to learn ceases for a moment, but the commadere among us all keeps going. There is nothing like the anticipation of the next JanFam: The Movement workshop and looking forward to seeing everyone again. We re-connect like no time has ever passed... those moments I will always cherish and never forget.” - Brianna Carter

“My experience with JanFam: The Movement is a wonderful experience. I never thought I'd have an opportunity to meet legendary choreographers/dancers that worked with Janet Jackson in my life. I've got to learn iconic choreography that set high standards for music videos and world tours that has inspired us all to keep dancing, to keep performing. I love the fact that I get to share this experience with people who love Janet Jackson as much as I do. I've made good friends. The energy we have together is amazing. I would say I feel.. linked to the family, the connection between us is great. I am forever grateful to be apart of JanFam: The Movement.” – Aaron “Mashu” Campbell