Jane Eyre | Page 545

" Down , Pilot !" I again said . He checked the water on its way to his lips , and seemed to listen : he drank , and put the glass down . " This is you , Mary , is it not ?"
" Mary is in the kitchen ," I answered .
He put out his hand with a quick gesture , but not seeing where I stood , he did not touch me . " Who is this ? Who is this ?" he demanded , trying , as it seemed , to SEE with those sightless eyes -- unavailing and distressing attempt ! " Answer me -- speak again !" he ordered , imperiously and aloud .
" Will you have a little more water , sir ? I spilt half of what was in the glass ," I said .
" WHO is it ? WHAT is it ? Who speaks ?"
" Pilot knows me , and John and Mary know I am here . I came only this evening ," I answered .
" Great God ! -- what delusion has come over me ? What sweet madness has seized me ?"
" No delusion -- no madness : your mind , sir , is too strong for delusion , your health too sound for frenzy ."
" And where is the speaker ? Is it only a voice ? Oh ! I CANNOT see , but I must feel , or my heart will stop and my brain burst . Whatever -- whoever you are -- be perceptible to the touch or I cannot live !"
He groped ; I arrested his wandering hand , and prisoned it in both mine .
" Her very fingers !" he cried ; " her small , slight fingers ! If so there must be more of her ."
The muscular hand broke from my custody ; my arm was seized , my shoulder -- neck -- waist -- I was entwined and gathered to him .