Jane Eyre | Page 543

He descended the one step , and advanced slowly and gropingly towards the grass-plat . Where was his daring stride now ? Then he paused , as if he knew not which way to turn . He lifted his hand and opened his eyelids ; gazed blank , and with a straining effort , on the sky , and toward the amphitheatre of trees : one saw that all to him was void darkness . He stretched his right hand ( the left arm , the mutilated one , he kept hidden in his bosom ); he seemed to wish by touch to gain an idea of what lay around him : he met but vacancy still ; for the trees were some yards off where he stood . He relinquished the endeavour , folded his arms , and stood quiet and mute in the rain , now falling fast on his uncovered head . At this moment John approached him from some quarter .
" Will you take my arm , sir ?" he said ; " there is a heavy shower coming on : had you not better go in ?"
" Let me alone ," was the answer .
John withdrew without having observed me . Mr . Rochester now tried to walk about : vainly , -- all was too uncertain . He groped his way back to the house , and , re-entering it , closed the door .
I now drew near and knocked : John ' s wife opened for me . " Mary ," I said , " how are you ?"
She started as if she had seen a ghost : I calmed her . To her hurried " Is it really you , miss , come at this late hour to this lonely place ?" I answered by taking her hand ; and then I followed her into the kitchen , where John now sat by a good fire . I explained to them , in few words , that I had heard all which had happened since I left Thornfield , and that I was come to see Mr . Rochester . I asked John to go down to the turn-pike-house , where I had dismissed the chaise , and bring my trunk , which I had left there : and then , while I removed my bonnet and shawl , I questioned Mary as to whether I could be accommodated at the Manor House for the night ; and finding that arrangements to that effect , though difficult , would not be impossible , I informed her I should stay . Just at this moment the parlour-bell rang .