Jane Eyre | Page 467

I said first , " Take a chair , Mr . Rivers ." But he answered , as he always did , that he could not stay . " Very well ," I responded , mentally , " stand if you like ; but you shall not go just yet , I am determined : solitude is at least as bad for you as it is for me . I ' ll try if I cannot discover the secret spring of your confidence , and find an aperture in that marble breast through which I can shed one drop of the balm of sympathy ."
" Is this portrait like ?" I asked bluntly . " Like ! Like whom ? I did not observe it closely ." " You did , Mr . Rivers ."
He almost started at my sudden and strange abruptness : he looked at me astonished . " Oh , that is nothing yet ," I muttered within . " I don ' t mean to be baffled by a little stiffness on your part ; I ' m prepared to go to considerable lengths ." I continued , " You observed it closely and distinctly ; but I have no objection to your looking at it again ," and I rose and placed it in his hand .
" A well-executed picture ," he said ; " very soft , clear colouring ; very graceful and correct drawing ."
" Yes , yes ; I know all that . But what of the resemblance ? Who is it like ?" Mastering some hesitation , he answered , " Miss Oliver , I presume ."
" Of course . And now , sir , to reward you for the accurate guess , I will promise to paint you a careful and faithful duplicate of this very picture , provided you admit that the gift would be acceptable to you . I don ' t wish to throw away my time and trouble on an offering you would deem worthless ."
He continued to gaze at the picture : the longer he looked , the firmer he held it , the more he seemed to covet it . " It is like !" he murmured ; " the eye is well managed : the colour , light , expression , are perfect . It smiles !"