Jane Eyre | Page 430

CHAPTER XXIX 430 are ."
" Some calls it Marsh End , and some calls it Moor House ." " And the gentleman who lives here is called Mr . St . John ?"
" Nay ; he doesn ' t live here : he is only staying a while . When he is at home , he is in his own parish at Morton ."
" That village a few miles off ? " Aye ." " And what is he ?" " He is a parson ."
I remembered the answer of the old housekeeper at the parsonage , when I had asked to see the clergyman . " This , then , was his father ' s residence ?"
" Aye ; old Mr . Rivers lived here , and his father , and grandfather , and gurt ( great ) grandfather afore him ."
" The name , then , of that gentleman , is Mr . St . John Rivers ?" " Aye ; St . John is like his kirstened name ." " And his sisters are called Diana and Mary Rivers ?" " Yes ." " Their father is dead ?" " Dead three weeks sin ' of a stroke ." " They have no mother ?"