Mr . St . John came but once : he looked at me , and said my state of lethargy was the result of reaction from excessive and protracted fatigue . He pronounced it needless to send for a doctor : nature , he was sure , would manage best , left to herself . He said every nerve had been overstrained in some way , and the whole system must sleep torpid a while . There was no disease . He imagined my recovery would be rapid enough when once commenced . These opinions he delivered in a few words , in a quiet , low voice ; and added , after a pause , in the tone of a man little accustomed to expansive comment , " Rather an unusual physiognomy ; certainly , not indicative of vulgarity or degradation ."
" Far otherwise ," responded Diana . " To speak truth , St . John , my heart rather warms to the poor little soul . I wish we may be able to benefit her permanently ."
" That is hardly likely ," was the reply . " You will find she is some young lady who has had a misunderstanding with her friends , and has probably injudiciously left them . We may , perhaps , succeed in restoring her to them , if she is not obstinate : but I trace lines of force in her face which make me sceptical of her tractability ." He stood considering me some minutes ; then added , " She looks sensible , but not at all handsome ."
" She is so ill , St . John ."
" Ill or well , she would always be plain . The grace and harmony of beauty are quite wanting in those features ."
On the third day I was better ; on the fourth , I could speak , move , rise in bed , and turn . Hannah had brought me some gruel and dry toast , about , as I supposed , the dinner-hour . I had eaten with relish : the food was good -- void of the feverish flavour which had hitherto poisoned what I had swallowed . When she left me , I felt comparatively strong and revived : ere long satiety of repose and desire for action stirred me . I wished to rise ; but what could I put on ? Only my damp and bemired apparel ; in which I had slept on the ground and fallen in the marsh . I felt ashamed to appear before my benefactors so clad . I was spared the humiliation .