Jane Eyre | Page 121

" She treats me like a visitor ," thought I . " I little expected such a reception ; I anticipated only coldness and stiffness : this is not like what I have heard of the treatment of governesses ; but I must not exult too soon ."
She returned ; with her own hands cleared her knitting apparatus and a book or two from the table , to make room for the tray which Leah now brought , and then herself handed me the refreshments . I felt rather confused at being the object of more attention than I had ever before received , and , that too , shown by my employer and superior ; but as she did not herself seem to consider she was doing anything out of her place , I thought it better to take her civilities quietly .
" Shall I have the pleasure of seeing Miss Fairfax to-night ?" I asked , when I had partaken of what she offered me .
" What did you say , my dear ? I am a little deaf ," returned the good lady , approaching her ear to my mouth .
I repeated the question more distinctly .
" Miss Fairfax ? Oh , you mean Miss Varens ! Varens is the name of your future pupil ."
" Indeed ! Then she is not your daughter ?" " No , -- I have no family ."
I should have followed up my first inquiry , by asking in what way Miss Varens was connected with her ; but I recollected it was not polite to ask too many questions : besides , I was sure to hear in time .
" I am so glad ," she continued , as she sat down opposite to me , and took the cat on her knee ; " I am so glad you are come ; it will be quite pleasant living here now with a companion . To be sure it is pleasant at any time ; for Thornfield is a fine old hall , rather neglected of late years perhaps , but still it is a respectable place ; yet you know in winter-time one feels dreary quite