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TOP FIVE SKIN MAKERS IN SECOND LIFE PRINCESS CEISHA RUFUS Con from page 3… Since December 22, 2009. They have a great shop on Ooh-la-licious Skins® Sold by: Oohlala Sassoon and Market Place and the amount of things you can buy has been around the grid since November 14, 2005. are endless. One of my top places to look for when I One of the best and am Leading skin makers on the grid. Amazing quality skin shopping for new clients or to do a make over. The and much more. men skins as well as the shapes are of awesome quality as well and even better than that the price tag is Now you have it some of the best male and female well worth the money. skin makers on the grid. I say create a style that is https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/44334 you and do not look like everyone else. All these skin Coming in at number 1 on my list is no other than makers put great work into helping you look amazing my very so spend these Lindens on one of these wonderful designers. Personal favorite is the one and the only Ooh-lalicious The Ooh-la-licious Skins® Main Store is located in Atlantic Beach across from Cruiz's Cotton Club in Second Life. One of the most used skins worn by Models when they blog Ooh-la-licous is a brand that shines beyond measures. I am so in love with the quality as well as the price. Not only is the skin beautiful, the look that your avatar will have is priceless. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Atlantic% 20Beach/225/94/21/ ? Visit our store at the Second Life Marketplace! https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/52966