Roque Magazine is one in which allows people of any background a platform to showcase their talent and skills. When we use the term “model” it
does not me a person that makes a career out of working the runways, however express creativity in other forms. You as the reader have a chance to
seen new faces of people you may not know, or in fact who they are. So we
here at Roque have taken the time out to find some of the best people on
the grid. If you have things in which you would like to get noticed as well
our you’re a singer, director, artist, rapper, doctor, designer or builder and
you would like your work to be displayed we are here to meet your needs.
Send us your information which should include a small bio of who you are
what you want promoted contact information, as well as if you have any
items to be sold in your marketplace we will need the link so that others
may be able to access it. Our Contact Information is as followed:
[email protected]