Calling all talented ICA artists and photographers ! The Blue Umbrella is looking to showcase the artistic talent of our fellow students . We will be hosting a digital art contest , as well as a photography one . Winning entries will be spotlighted in the next issue ! So grab your camera and computer , and get ready to have fun !
Phot o Cont est Rules
- Only 3 photos can be submitted per person - Photos must be appropriate for school - Cannot be from other sources such as Google and Bing ( i . e ., no copyright ) - Edited pictures are allowed
- Digital art only !!! - Only 3 photos can be submitted per person - Any style of art , as long as it is appropriate and digital - Can not be from other sources such as Google and Bing ( a . k . a . no copyright )
Please submit all photos / drawings to kimberly . smith @ ignitechristianacademy . com . Remember to have fun and express yourself !
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