Jan 2019 AST Magazine Jan 2019 AST Magazine | Page 8
• www.AmericanSecurityToday.com
There is nothing to prevent a third-party node within a dynamic
January 2019 - Edition 31
from overwhelming the radio signal used self-healing topology.
by a device.
This architecture is particularly useful for sys-
• However, the effectiveness of this type tems that use large numbers of discrete sen-
of attack is short-lived on a properly de- sors located in close proximity to each other.
signed device, as an interference alarm
For example, low-power intelligent fence
will be raised almost immediately.
lighting can use a mesh network for com-
• If the jamming signal is strong enough munication between fixtures.
to prevent all communication, the equip-
ment should still be declared offline based The Senstar LM100 Perimeter Intrusion
Detection and Intelligent Lighting Sys-
on the check-in results.
tem uses an encrypted self-healing wireless
One relatively new technology, mesh net- mesh network for communication between
works, shows great potential in security luminaires.
This eliminates the need to run communi-
In a mesh network, each device acts as a cations wiring along the fence.
The Senstar LM100 Perimeter Intrusion Detection and Intelligent Lighting System