james rodrigues carlos | Page 6

JUAN: Good morning Carlos.

how was your day?

Mira, we want to know what happened to you on March 20, 2018, we want to know everything in detail.

CARLOS: Good morning Juan, look what happened was that I was in Mexico City in Mexico and it was in my daily routine, which is to leave at 7:00 AM and to do about 20 km by bike, on either side of the city. When I was going back home, about 3 gentlemen appeared, supposedly for us to take some pictures and give them some autographs. I decided to get off the bike so I could take the pictures with them and from time to time they took out a knife and put it on my neck and told me to stay still or if they did not hurt me. When I looked again, there were no more gentlemen or my bicycle, the gentleman who was with me told me to turn around and went running in a moment, I immediately went to a clinic to say what had happened to me and they asked me the cellular number in order to report without avian found something and so far I have not received more information about my bike.

JUAN: I'm very sorry, but the good thing was that nothing bad happened to you.