Jairo Eli's Portfolio Fall 2013 | Page 8

PACKAGING My proposal is to design a ficitional beer label from Valladolid, Spain that is called De Leon Brewing Copmany. The reason that I wanted to make a beer leabel because I like the format of the bottle and I wanted to experiment with a beer lablel. My target audience is for the cycling enthusiasts. Water, malt, hops & yeast is an organic larger made of design conscious people who also think about the enviroment. My idea was to create imagery that presetend the rugged beauty of Amseterdam culture with the inspiration of creating a bike culture in Valladolid, Spain. The translation for “De Leon” is The Lion and therefore, I created a fictional lion who can ride a bike. For the information of a beer label will include a name of the brewing company, the location, bar code, logo, and the ingreidients. #3