JADE Yearly Edition 14 | Page 75

6 %
13 %
9 %
11 %
9 % 5 %
18 %
29 %
General Structure and organisation of module Inclusion of interactive activities Texbook
Application of material to practice / case
studies Narrated PowerPoint slides
Able to work at own pace Module content
Figure I - Pie Chart Showing Breakdown of 85 Positive Comments
The majority of students providing negative comments felt the volume of material to work through was too much ( 56 % of negative comments ). Other negative comments included too much reading ( 17 % of comments ), wanting inclusion of a video of the lecturer on the narrated PowerPoint slides ( 11 % of negative comments ) and more questions on the formative multiple-choice quizzes ( 11 % of negative comments ). Students also identified too much reading and poor delivery in their negative feedback ( See Figure II ).
17 %
11 %
5 %
11 %
56 %
Wanted video of lecturer on slides
Too much material to work through
Too much reading
Wanted more questions on formative MCQs
Poor delivery
Figure II - Pie Chart Showing Breakdown of 18 Negative Comments
Examples of specific comments informing the thematic groupings are presented in Table I .
Thematic Grouping Positive
Structure and organisation of module
Inclusion of interactive activities
Able to work at own pace
Too much material to work through
Too much reading
Example Comment
“ The way the course was structured on Moodle , dividing each week ' s lectures into separate parts , and having readings and activities incorporated and even used as steps to consolidate the learning from one part of the lecture before moving onto the next was incredibly helpful ”.
“ I find it helpful in how the tasks for each week are structured as it helps to focus my learning and it also helps with time management ”.
“ The interactive activities between content were very helpful in applying the knowledge learnt and consolidating understanding ”.
“ The activities really help me to properly engage with the content - it is difficult to do this with remote learning otherwise !”.
“ I think having the activities between the PowerPoints made it more engaging ”.
‘ I ' ve been able to … go at my own pace , which means I don ' t miss things out .’
“ I found the volume of content some weeks to be a bit too much ”. “ The module ' s lectures took excessive time to complete ”.
“… each lecture has taken me about 4 hours to do which it obviously wouldn ' t if we were having face to face lectures ”.
“ I felt the associated reading was quite a lot ”.
“ Far too much reading required ”.
Table I - Example Comments for Positive and Negative Thematic Groupings