JADE Yearly Edition 14 | Page 6



Welcome to the 14th edition of JADE , which , in its response to the changing landscape in higher education since the COVID pandemic , offers something for everyone navigating those changes . Multidisciplinary in origin but crossdisciplinary in appeal , the papers here demonstrate the value of scholarship of teaching and learning for our community , enriching our knowledge and understanding of HE educational practice by sharing inspirations , insights and reflections on challenges that are shared by all .


Angela Rhead Senior Curriculum Designer
Institute for Innovation and Teaching Excellene , Keele University
While this edition was not a special issue and open , therefore , in terms of topic , there are clear common threads , with the authors negotiating shifts , of course including the rapid responses to the pandemic , but also in the continuing evolution in university teaching and learning as it accommodates a larger and more diverse student body . In this , the significance of the context of disciplinary knowledge and knowing draws authors from a diverse range of disciplines together to present issues of general interest : a consideration of technology , its use in both pedagogy and potential impact for scholarship , which underpins the majority of papers ; changing relationships and hierarchies through , for example , reverse mentoring ; a focus on transitions , both within and beyond the university experience , and the continuing interest in employability and authenticity ; notions of self-regulation , feedback literacy and the ‘ workload ’ of studying , and even the work of ‘ lecturing ’ itself all under inspection .
While the issue closes with four official reflections , a highly reflective quality of the papers can be discerned throughout , providing options , guidance and warnings for our future explorations . We hope that readers will find these useful and interesting in their own practice and scholarship .
I would like to thank the authors for sharing their insight and for their patience in the editorial process ; the peer reviewers for their guidance ; Vanessa Hall and Samantha Mottram for their continuing administrative support ; Adam Jeffrey , Aimee Merrydew , Becky Snelgrove and Mike Lancaster for editorial assistance ; and a special thank you to David Bloor who has been responsible for the design and production of this issue .