JADE Yearly Edition 14 | Page 30

Creation of a Novel Collaborative Resource for Sharing Scholarship

Highlight # 3

Creation of a Novel Collaborative Resource for Sharing Scholarship

Title :
Creation of a Novel Collaborative Resource for Sharing Scholarship
Author :
Dr Rachael Door Senior Lecturer in Anatomy School of Medicine , Keele University


The growing number of teaching and scholarship positions in academia encourages staff to formalize their scholarship practice . Such creative practices do not easily fit within the rigid structure of traditional journal articles and therefore the sharing of this practice is often limited to conference presentations and posters . This time-limited format for sharing scholarship allows little opportunity for an on-going dialogue and the formation of collaborative networks . The Anatomy Teacher is a YouTube Channel that offers a permanent collaborative library of educational scholarship . The channel provides an internationally accessible space for scholarship with automatically generated transcripts and no financial restrictions ensuring that everybody has the opportunity to share their scholarship .


10.21252 / d1w7-m071
Scholarship is a wonderful world where academics can devise creative solutions to problems in all areas of education . Many Universities now offer teaching and scholarship positions alongside the traditional teaching and research lectureships ( Stromquist et al . 2007 ). This formalization of scholarship , alongside the creation of the Higher Education Academy and the development of the Teaching Excellence Framework , has resulted in a rapid growth in the field of educational scholarship ( Gunn 2018 , Chalmers 2011 , O ’ Meara 2005 , Gosling 2004 ). Such creative solutions to a diverse range of problems in academia are often challenging to convey in the traditional journal article and as such sharing of ideas is frequently restricted to the Micro or Meso level ( Fanghanel 2007 ). Those academics who do choose to share their scholarship often favour conference posters and presentations to allow them to use a mixed media approach to demonstrate their creative process . Additional factors also limit an individual ’ s ability to attend face-to face conferences including concerns about Covid-19 and climate change , lack of flexibility due to caring responsibilities , and financial restrictions . This is particularly important in the context of anatomy educators with a recent report highlighting that 42 % of Anatomists surveyed had caring responsibilities , and 54 % required flexible working patterns ( Smith et al . 2023 ). In addition , those who do attend in-person conferences may not be able to fully engage with the scholarship in the traditional format due to additional needs , a common theme of academic ableism seen throughout higher education ( HE ) ( Dolmage 2017 ).


This project aimed to establish an open-access resource for sharing scholarship that :