Aimee Merrydew Curriculum Developer
Keele Institute for Innovation and Teaching Excellence , Keele University
I am delighted to welcome readers to the seventh issue of the student edition of the Journal of Academic Development and Education , which brings together a selection of articles that have been adapted from presentations at last year ’ s Keele Conference of Undergraduate Research ( KCUR ). KCUR is an annual event organised by the Keele Institute for Innovation and Teaching Excellence , showcasing the exciting research that is conducted by undergraduate students across Keele University .
2023 was an exciting year for KCUR , as we welcomed the conference ’ s first keynote speaker , organised the conference in partnership with undergraduate and postgraduate students , and transformed KCUR into a hybrid event that took place simultaneously in Keele Hall and online to enhance the accessibility of the conference . Professor Kristyan Spelman Miller ( Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education ) opened the conference with a thought-provoking keynote presentation titled ‘ Students as Knowledge Creators : Unlocking the Key to Success ’. This keynote not only explored the value of researchconnected learning through curricula and extra-curricula activities , but also set the scene for the exciting showcase of undergraduate research at Keele throughout the day .
The keynote was followed by a diverse range of presentations from thirty-four current and former undergraduate students across all three faculties at Keele , whose abstracts are published in this issue . We enjoyed learning about the presenters ’ research through various formats , from presentations and posters to animated pictures and a documentary . The presenters shared their research confidently and professionally , gaining invaluable academic and employability experience in communicating their research to a non-specialist audience . It is noteworthy that all the presenters explored timely and important issues , many of which were underpinned by a commitment to social and environmental justice .
These themes are continued in this special issue of JADE , which offers four peer-reviewed articles by students who presented their research at KCUR 2022 . The articles explore a diverse range of subjects , ranging from health and homelessness in Staffordshire , Nigerian history and politics , multicultural music education in Singapore , and sociological attitudes towards children in English literature and film . The wide range of topics captures Keele ’ s commitment to undergraduate research and empowering students across the faculties to learn through active enquiry .
We are gearing up to host the eighth Keele Conference of Undergraduate Research , taking place at Keele Hall and on MS