JADE Student Edition 2023 | Page 30

Countering cultural hegemony with pedagogy : A case study of multicultural music education in Singapore

Paper # 1

Title :
Countering cultural hegemony with pedagogy : A case study of multicultural music education in Singapore
Authors : Eliana Ganesan
Keywords :
Multicultural music education , Singapore , cultural hegemony , private music teachers
https :// doi . org / 10.21252 / k38b-md50

Countering cultural hegemony with pedagogy : A case study of multicultural music education in Singapore


This research explores the challenges and triumphs of music teachers in Singapore as they navigate teaching both multicultural content and settings . It focuses on teachers and the pedagogies they have crafted to address issues specific to multicultural music education ( MME ), and frames music teachers as important stakeholders in education whose insights are crucial to ensuring students become thriving members of a diverse society . Singapore as a case study is particularly compelling as its rich migrant history , colonial past and position as a global business hub have made it home to many cultures from both the region and the world .
Existing research points to inauthenticity as a common issue multicultural music educators face , and is concerned with whether teachers are able to accurately and authentically represent diverse musical traditions in the classroom . The majority of research surrounding MME in Singapore has also been carried out from the perspective of state school teachers . This study extends the field of research to include teachers from the private sector , who do not have to conform to a set curriculum and therefore have significant control over lesson design . It aims to showcase a range of creative pedagogical approaches made possible through teacher autonomy and the significance of teaching informed by personal history and narrative .
A qualitative approach was employed and data was collected from semi-structured , online interviews with nine music teachers in Singapore from different musical traditions . The study found that teachers developed pedagogies to overcome the overarching hurdle of Western hegemony , which poses issues to how students learn and appreciate music from outside Western popular and classical genres . The study sheds light on how music teachers may play important roles as culture bearers in the classroom and society , especially by exposing students to cultural diversity in a way they can understand and relate to .