JADE Student Edition 2023 | Page 25

Parental acceptance of routine varicella vaccination in the UK : a cross sectional survey | Nicola Lingley-Heath ( Psychology )
Varicella ( chickenpox ), a common and usually mild childhood illness , can have severe complications . Presently , the UK does not include universal varicella vaccine in childhood vaccination schedules . In this cross-sectional study , 602 parents ( youngest child 0-5yrs ) completed an online survey of demographic questions , child ’ s varicella status , attitudes towards chickenpox , likelihood of getting the vaccination for their child if available , and preferences for administration . 73.9 % of parents were extremely / somewhat likely , 18.2 % were extremely / somewhat unlikely to accept a chickenpox vaccine for their child . A combined MMRV vaccination or additional visit to the surgery were preferred over increased needle burden at the same visit . Most parents were positive about varicella vaccination being added to the routine childhood immunisation schedule . These findings highlight parents ’ preferences for varicella vaccine administration and this information will be used to inform vaccine policy and practice .
Differences in moral decision-making , resilience / distress , and empathy levels and changes over time , among registered healthcare professionals | Nicola Lingley- Heath ( Psychology )
Morality and empathy are fundamental in human nature . Moral distress is the suffering from having to make a decision against moral and ethical values . The term is used in healthcare when unable to achieve individual moral obligations to patients . An online cross-sectional survey was conducted , looking at the impact of resilience and distress on moral decision making amongst nurses , Operating Department Practitioners ( ODPs ), and Physio / Occupational Therapists . The survey included demographic questions and questions to measure morality , moral distress , and empathy . Three ANCOVAs will be conducted , looking for differences in empathy , utilitarianism , and moral distress between professions , while controlling for the length of service in the profession .
Data is in the process of being analysed ; however , the implications of this research will hopefully lead to support in the workplace and for clinical practice interventions for healthcare professionals , an increase and improvement in multidisciplinary working in practice , and a reduction in the affect to health organisations in relation to staff turnover , quality of care delivered , and patient satisfaction .
An audit to identify whether transient ischaemic attack ( TIA ) imaging guidelines are being met | Jay Panchal ( Medicine )
Transient ischaemic attack ( TIA ) is an important risk factor for acute stroke and requires urgent investigation . NICE ( National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ) guidance ( NG128 ) states that same day MRI ( magnetic resonance imaging ) brain should be offered instead of CT ( computerised tomography ) scan following TIA clinic assessment . We compared image modality choice and timing for patients with suspected TIA referred from clinic . Data was extracted from the hospital database and statistical analysis was performed . There were 150 patients in total referred for CT at Royal Stoke Hospital between June-December 2021 ( awaiting MR data ), which were performed in 0.85 days and reported within 6.97 days . The results indicate that TIA investigation was timely and met NICE guidance , but report findings were delayed . With TIAs being a major risk factor for stroke , the delay in reporting reduces prompt initiation of treatment and so this research highlights the need for improvement in scan reporting times .
Designing stable molecular building blocks for advanced materials | Amelia Swarbrook ( Chemistry )
Capturing CO2 contributes to the mitigation of climate change . Designing porous materials for this purpose requires an understanding of the forces which hold their molecular building blocks together . We synthesised new organic molecules and assessed their binding with zinc as a basis for building larger porous structures . Using X-ray crystallography to probe the complete 3-dimensional structure , and fluorescence spectroscopy to monitor bond formation between the components , both bond strength and binding geometry were determined . Consolidating data from both methods provided a complete picture of the complexes ’ geometric and electronic behaviour , which allows for the design of improved carbon capture materials .
Keele Conference of Undergraduate Research ( KCUR ) 2022 13