JADE Student Edition 2023 | Page 22

The current effects of micro and nanoplastics and the long-term threat of plastic in our environment | Mary Jean Romero Melindo ( Chemistry )
Plastic in almost every form contains impurities and toxic additives used to change its properties . Due to plastic ’ s durability and stability , it degrades very slowly when released into the environment . It is hypothesised that the timeframe in which plastic degrades into nanoparticles and releases the harmful additives and impurities within will contribute to a plastic toxicity debt on a global scale . This literature review examines the current effects of micro and nanoplastics on humans and aquatic life ( in which they were found to have many adverse consequences ), considering the possible threat of a peak in toxic release . Through this talk , I hope to spread awareness and encourage further research on the possible long-term impact of plastic in our environment .
Bicycles , Cycling , and Community Impact : What are the Volunteer Perceptions ? | Queen Adiat ( Artificial Intelligence and Data Science )
Cycling improves health , eases pollution , and is a more sustainable transportation method . The Volunteer Demographic Research project was conducted in a volunteer-led not-for-profit organization that aims to promote cycling . The study objective is to understand the experiences and perceptions of their volunteers . A mixed-method is adopted to answer the research questions using surveys , interviews and focus group discussions . Findings reveal that volunteers are driven by a passion for cycling , a friendly work environment , and an opportunity for community impact . This project contributes to discussion around sustainability and healthy alternatives . It is also a reference for future research into volunteer-led organizations .
Disinfecting and decontaminating SARS- CoV-2 : Are we doing it right ? | Mustafa Dashti ( Medicine )
Cleaning is a major control component for outbreaks of infection . However , for the SARS- CoV-2 pandemic , there is limited specific guidance regarding the proper disinfection methods that should be used , especially on different materials
12  and environments . A year deep into the pandemic , we conducted a systematic review of the literature on cleaning , disinfection , or decontamination methods to see if we ' ve been doing it right all along . The research showed that heating , UV light irradiation , and chemicals can be used to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 , but there is little evidence to support one measure over others in clinical practice . This research provides a foundation for future guidelines regarding the disinfection of COVID-19 so that both patients and the public can remain safe .
Events in a Changing World | Zara Hawkins ( International Business and International Relations )
On March 11 2020 , the World Health Organisation declared COVID-19 a pandemic , causing economic downturns across the globe as countless countries went into lockdown . This research explores the economic impact of COVID-19 on the UK events industry , focusing on the suitability of hybrid and purely digital events for the South Cheshire Chamber of Commerce . Through reviewing the Chamber ’ s existing approaches to events in the last three years , I hoped to identify if organisations with small events budgets can make the change to digital or hybrid events without changing their budgets . Conclusions reveal that they can and award small businesses with a competitive advantage , enabling them to prosper in the everevolving events industry .
Understanding the Needs of Independent Artists in the Stoke and Staffordshire Area | Caitlin Hose ( Psychology )
Independent artists face many challenges within the music industry , especially in areas with developing music scenes ( such as Stoke ) when compared to cities with established music scenes ( such as Liverpool ). This customer development research sees artists from Stoke and Staffordshire being asked to complete a questionnaire regarding the problems and barriers they have encountered throughout their music careers . The responses will enable a local music development service to design and subsequently tailor their customer-directed services to offer solutions to problems identified within the questionnaire , helping musicians achieve their own professional goals , thus preserving and growing the local music scene .