JADE Student Edition 2023 | Page 19

experienced so far in my personal and professional pursuit of a happy , sustainable existence . This presentation aims to share some sustainable recommendations for the lay person .
To what extent does the economic status of Kenya lead to a higher burden of aflatoxin related hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC )? | Parmida Jamilian ( Pharmacy )
My presentation investigates the extent to which the economic status of a country results in a higher burden of aflatoxin related disease . Kenya , as a developing country , was chosen for this investigation to examine how a country ’ s lower economy results in higher aflatoxin exposure . As aflatoxin is not globally recognized by the public , this presentation aims to warn people about the toxin by informing them about the factors that lead to its development , as well as the health issues ( liver cancer , etc .) associated with it . My personal interest in food safety and human health topics is my main source of motivation to investigate and present my research . By reviewing the literature on this topic , the research reveals that Kenya ' s low economy restricts the country from using advanced technologies ( such as aflasafe ) to mitigate aflatoxin ’ s effects . Besides , in Kenya , there is little surveillance from the authorities on food inspection . The low economy of Kenya results in lower levels of education and lack of knowledge about aflatoxin and its preventive measures , increasing the rate of exposure . I am honored to have the opportunity to present my research and inform the public about the aflatoxin related diseases and their preventive measures at the KCUR conference .
The prevalence of chronic pain and depression in Staffordshire ' s homeless population | Samuel Prosser ( Physiotherapy )
In England , people who are homeless attend hospital six times more , stay in hospital three times longer , and are admitted into hospital four times greater than the general population . Chronic pain and mental health conditions are believed to contribute to the increased pressure on the healthcare sector . Whilst the prevalence of both factors among the general population are well known , there are no known estimates in the homeless population . This cross-sectional study recruited participants from Staffordshire ’ s homeless population . The study found that levels of depression and pain are higher in this sample population than in the general population , which
10  helps to explain the increased need for healthcare .
Help Us Help You : Using Community Engagement as a Tool to Aid Staffordshire Fire & Rescue ’ s Accident Prevention Approaches | Anjali Ramdhian ( Psychology and Criminology ) and Georgiana Iacob ( Law and Society )
Crisis and serious accidents are usually associated with ‘ 999 ’. However , what people forget is that preventing accidents is a key responsibility of emergency service providers , namely Staffordshire Fire and Rescue . As societies continuously evolve , risk and safety become more and more complex and ambiguous to the public . Our research , via the use of surveys completed by the local public and comparison to other organisations ’ community engagement work , aims to identify ways in which the service can improve its prevention approach . Understanding and involving the community will thus uncover the key to preventing the accidents that occur within it .
The effect of the electroencephalography ( EEG ) reference scheme on decoding accuracy in multivariate pattern analysis of EEG data | Rohan Smith ( Psychology )
In the course of electroencephalography ( EEG ) data processing , various choices need to be made including the choice of a reference electrode , which is used to reduce electrical noise . This has been a controversial issue when computing eventrelated potentials , but there is some guidance from the literature on how to make such choices . However , there is no guidance on the effect of reference choice when using increasingly popular multivariate pattern analysis ( MVPA ) methods for EEG data . This project will use a simulation approach , which will generate custom human brain data to evaluate the effect of reference choice on the results of MVPA of EEG data . This study will inform future researchers on which reference schemes to use during MVPA , with the expectation our findings will reveal reference scheme choices in MVPA do not adversely impact results .