JADE Student Edition 2023 | Page 17

References :
Hunt , P . ( 2001 ) ‘ Roald Dahl ’, Children ’ s Literature . Oxford : Blackwell .
Sykes , Christopher . S ( 1991 ) ‘ In the Lair of the BFG ’, Harpers and Queen , October 1991 , 80 – 5 .
Why Lesbian Relationships in Modern Cinema are Actually ‘ Straight ’ | Ashleigh Bruton ( English Literature )
Inclusive sapphic representation is absent within the media . Despite a growing influx of lesbian representation in recent years , filmmakers continue to ‘ straighten out ’ these queer stories . The dominant representation features overtly sexualised and hyperfeminine women , with the more ‘ mannish ’ and butch archetypes of lesbian identity suffering exclusion as a consequence . While seemingly harmless on its surface level , this reliance on heteronormative conventions suggests that these films are produced not to be ‘ progressive ’, as one might assume , but because of the assumption that a woman ’ s sexuality is only valid if it aligns with heterosexual desires .
Mobilisation in Stroke | Mustafa Dashti ( Medicine )
Stroke is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide . Rehabilitation through mobilisation in specialised stroke units is one way to improve functional outcomes of patients . Guidelines have been produced nationally , which recommend all stroke patients be mobilised 24-48 hours after a stroke for 45 minutes a day . Here , I investigated how many patients the University Hospital North Midlands Stroke Unit is mobilising , through collection of observational data from the end of the bed and discuss the reasons for why there may be shortcomings . This research provides evidence for future guidelines to increase the mobilisation of post stroke patients to better improve their outcomes . stakeholders in education , who possess valuable insights crucial to ensuring students become respectful and thriving members of a culturally diverse society . Majority of the research surrounding multicultural music education in Singapore has been carried out from the perspective of state school classroom teachers , whereas I have extended the field of research to include teachers from the private sector and who perform less traditional educator roles . This qualitative , interview-based study found that educators developed their pedagogy to counter the overarching hurdle of the dominant Western hegemony present in society . The approaches explored emphasise the value of teacher insights in multicultural music education within the context of a flexible curriculum .
Analysing the sociological , political , and economic perspectives of local governance in Saint Lucia , more specifically Anse La Raye , and their effects on economic growth and social mobility | Jack Houghton ( International Relations ), Dani Jones ( Sociology and Media Studies ), Ayesha Azmet ( Economics ), Samuel Farrow ( Accounting )
Anse La Raye is a small town on the island of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean . It is governed through a top-down approach where central government holds the majority of power . This lack of power is seen on the ground within their local village council , which is appointed by central government rather than elected by local people . It has been an unfortunate representation of lacking investment . This presentation uses secondary data analysis in the form of a literature review and statistics to explore how the lack of local governance within Anse la Raye has prevented economic growth and limited social mobility . We will showcase our evolving research with the intention of finalising the project on the ground later in the year through ethnographic means .
The Pursuit of Happiness | Siobhan Maureen Mundy ( Environment and Sustainability )
Countering cultural hegemony with pedagogy : A case study of multicultural music education in Singapore | Eliana Ganesan ( Education and Music )
The study explores the challenges and triumphs of music educators as they navigate teaching in the multicultural setting that Singapore presents . It frames the challenges faced in multicultural music education in a way that makes teachers equal
In this world and our contemporary society , it is easy to be overwhelmed by the injustices and the existential threat we find ourselves faced with regarding anthropogenic caused climate change . Yet , the individual makes up the collective . Imagine the change that can occur if each person is supported to adopt actions for more sustainable lifestyles . Throughout this presentation , I will share with you my ongoing research into sustainability , particularly the progress and struggles I have
Keele Conference of Undergraduate Research ( KCUR ) 2022 9