JADE Student Edition 2023 | Page 14



Body Image and Eating Disorders in Black African Communities | Nonyelum Anigbo ( Pharmacy )
In 2020 , it was found that there was a faster increase in National Health Service ( NHS ) hospital admissions for eating disorders when comparing Black , Asian and minority ethnic ( BAME ) patients admitted to white patients . The sharpest rise was found in the Black African population . In my presentation I will be doing an analysis of body image and beauty standards in Black African communities and how this could contribute to the increase in eating disorders in Black African people in the UK , using previous researchers ’ findings and academic literature . I will also be discussing how disordered eating habits may not be identified as successfully for Black African people , by the NHS , due to medical racism . The intended impact of my findings is to help health services better understand and identify eating disorders in Black African patients .
2022 : a space microbiodyssey – The effect that space has on microorganisms | Theophilus Ayegba ( Biomedical Science )
Microorganisms are spread across the planet and can be found in a variety of extremely different environments with different properties that help them survive . One of the environments that they can be found in is outer space and there have been experiments performed to see how microbes have changed when in space or under space flight , most notably the Shenzhou experiments in China . These experiments are important , as examining microbes under these conditions can provide new insight into the metabolism , physiology , genetics , and interactions of microbes . I obtained the data by reading the literature of these space experiments . This research found that micro-organisms undergo changes when under space flight . For example , salmonella grown during the US space shuttle missions STS-115 was deadlier than an equivalent stain grown on earth . Knowing the different ways that space travel affects microorganisms could revolutionize modern medicine by informing us of new ways to diagnose bacteria and disease . This knowledge could also help us to understand how antimicrobial
8 resistance works , identify  methods to prevent it , and even present insight on treating and curing previously difficult or impossible to cure diseases and bacteria .
Utilising cryptocurrency in developing economies | Rajiv Bains ( Economics )
Cryptocurrency in recent years has captivated the world ’ s attention with the prospects of large monetary gains . From analysing large amounts of related literature and data , I have discovered that many individuals in developed countries have utilised this by using cryptocurrency investments as an additional or their main income stream . However , there is a lack of focus in the literature about the possibility of cryptocurrency to act as a medium to reduce poverty in developing economies . This paper will explore the impact cryptocurrency can have to aid citizens in developing countries to gain financial stability and social trust through facilitating economic growth . This research found that this can in turn stabilise cryptocurrency , which is known to be very unstable , and maximise its potential through prospering future communities .
The Gothic and Roald Dahl : The Repression and Misunderstanding of Children | Maia Beswarick-Cobb ( English Literature )
Adults oppress children in Roald Dahl ’ s novels , putting them into unheimlich ( unhomely ) environments , and in the case of The Witches , eradicate children altogether . This presentation explores the ‘ othering ’ of children in Dahl ’ s literature , a topic which has not been widely researched . Critics often argue that Dahl ’ s literature promotes vulgarity and further repressive behaviour toward children . Yet , by applying Gothic theory through literary analysis , I demonstrate how Dahl portrays the children ’ s oppression in his novels not to reinforce but rather to challenge their mistreatment at the hands of adults , using his literature to bring to attention these issues which I argue , are still prominent in society . Indeed , Dahl claims to have a ‘ great affinity with children ’ and recognises ‘ their problems ’ ( Skyes , 1991 : 82 ), using his literature to portray these problems to the readers with the hopes they can overcome them in their own lives . This presentation argues that Dahl empowers children in his novels , helping them to gain agency and overcome repression by highlighting oppressive behaviour , which in turn highlights the power of children ’ s literature and I hope my research will help readers and researchers to read Dahl ’ s work in a new light .