JADE Student Edition 2023 | Page 12


Keele Conference of Undergraduate Research ( KCUR ) 2022

The following are presentations from the 2022 Keele Conference of Undergradute Research .


Students as knowledge creators : unlocking the key to success | Professor Kristyan Spelman Miller , Pro Vice- Chancellor ( Education )
“ All undergraduate students in all higher education institutions should experience learning through , and about , research and inquiry ” ( Healey and Jenkins , 2009 , 3 ). The importance of students engaging in research is indisputable , whether this is through participating in project work outside the formal curriculum , or through inquiry led activity as part of disciplinebased learning and assessment . Many curriculum frameworks , such as our own Keele Curriculum Expectations , identify research connected learning as a key hallmark of a positive academic experience , with critical enquiry skills and capabilities developed progressively from the first-year undergraduate experience onwards . This talk briefly presents why both curricular and co-curricular approaches to student research are so valuable , drawing on examples from across the sector .
About Professor Kristyan Spelman Miller
As Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education , Kris takes strategic leadership for all aspects of education and the student experience at Keele . She has worked in Education all her career , having started her career teaching English in a college in Japan and then with the British Council on Malaysia . She is firmly committed to the transformative effect of Higher Education on the lives of students from all backgrounds . She has led various institution-wide initiatives focussed on student success , including schemes to enhance students ’ academic skills development and employability , student engagement in research , and student partnership working . She was awarded a National Teaching Fellowship in 2011 and is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy ( Advance HE ).
She joined Keele in July 2021 from the University of Liverpool , where she had been Associate Pro Vice Chancellor ( Education ) for five years based in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences . Prior to her move to Liverpool she had been Dean at the University of Winchester and before that worked at the University of Reading , where she had gained valuable teaching and leadership experience over a number of years including as Faculty Director of Teaching and Learning .
The keynote presentation can be viewed via the following link : https :// www . keele . ac . uk / video-transcripts / whydoesundergraduateresearchsupportstudentsuccess /
Keele Conference of Undergraduate Research ( KCUR ) 2022 7