JADE Issue 13 - November 2021 | Page 80

to value judgements . By including assignments that make use of cognitive dissonance and critical thinking as practical and intellectual tools that traverse disciplinary boundaries , there can be practical outcomes for quality improvement in curriculum development . It is , therefore , necessary to implement specific activities that facilitate working through these issues , to unlock student skills , knowledge and understandings , and raise their awareness of how and when they are being creative and innovative . The first step towards this goal is to build awareness and confidence among staff in claiming and applying the labels of creativity and innovation , and provide them with the necessary tools and support to extend this to students . Staff working in other HE institutions around the world may like to reflect on whether these recommendations have relevance in their own contexts , and embed them within existing staff development structures , and institutional procedures and documentation . Others may also like to explore these recommendations more rigorously using the suggested methodology above of pre- and postimplementation surveys .


We thank Susan Lawrence , Dalya Marks , Krystyna Makowiecka , Laura Brammar and Cheryl Woods for helping to catalyse this project .


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