JADE Issue 13 - November 2021 | Page 56

Appendix 1
Nicol , D . and Macfarlane-Dick , D . “ Formative Assessment and Self- Regulated Learning : A Model and Seven Principles of Good Feedback Practice .” Studies in Higher Education , 31 ( 2006 ): 199 – 218 .
Oblinger , D . and Oblinger , J . Educating the Net Generation . Boulder , Co : Educause , 2005 .
1 . A critical awareness of the ways in which violence functioned as a mechanism of social control and political power in early America
2 . An understanding of how state and non-state actors used violence to secure their social and political agendas Oxford Brookes University . “ Inclusive Teaching .” Available at https :// www . brookes . ac . uk / OCSLD / Consultancy / Inclusive-teaching /. Accessed 7 June 2017 .
Porter , S . and P . Umbach , P . “ Analyzing Faculty Workload Data Using Multilevel Modeling .” Research in Higher Education 2 ( 2001 ): 171-196 .
Sterling , S . “ The Future Fit Framework .” Higher Education Academy , 2012 . Available at https :// www . heacademy . ac . uk / system / files / future _ fit _ 270412 _ 1435 . pdf , 8 . Accessed on 16 Jan 2021 .
Taylor , G . The Student ’ s Writing Guide for the Arts and Social Sciences . Cambridge : Cambridge University Press , 1989 .
UK 2010 Equality Act . Available at http :// www . legislation . gov . uk / ukpga / 2010 / 15 / contents . Accessed 1 June 2017 .
3 . An insight into how individuals expressed agency and resistance within institutions of power
4 . A comprehension of how the politics of race , gender and sex were manipulated to justify the use of violence 5 . An awareness of the importance of cultures of violence in the formation , and eventual fracture , of the American body politic in the nineteenth century 2 . Disciplinary and professional skills : On completion of this module the student will have had the chance to : 1 . Investigate and evaluate the use of primary and secondary sources in historical analysis
2 . Undertake interpretation , analysis and presentation of historical material University of Sheffield Centre for Inquiry-based Learning in the Arts and Social Sciences . Available at https :// www . sheffield . ac . uk / ibl / cilass . Accessed on 5 June 2017 . Waterfield , J . and West , B ., “ Inclusive Assessment HEA .” York . Available at www . heacademy . ac . uk / resources / detail / subjects / psychology / Inclusive _ Assessment . Accessed on 2 June 2017 .
Waterfield , J . and West , B . “ Inclusive Assessment in Higher Education : A Resource for Change .” The Student Staff Partnership for Assessment Change and Evaluation , Higher Education Funding Council for England , 2006 . Available at www . plymouth . ac . uk / pages / view . asp ? page = 10494 . Accessed 1 June 2017 .

Appendix 1

Learning Outcomes
1 . Knowledge and understanding : On completion of this module the student will have acquired :
3 . Utilise analytical skills to engage with , and assess , historical debates
4 . Locate current debates within an appropriate historical context 3 . Transferable skills : On completion of this module , students will have enhanced their ability to : 1 . Communicate ideas and arguments cogently and effectively in written and spoken form
2 . Work independently to deadlines 3 . Engage with and summarise / synthesise a considerable body of published work 4 . Assess and evaluate debate and arguments
5 . Conduct independent research
6 . Find information from a variety of sources
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