Instructions for the Game
• Map
• Techniques cards
• Chance cards
• Cost list for techniques
• Search log
• Scenario
Students were given background information in an online lecture covering how a clandestine grave is defined , the phased approach to searching for clandestine graves and an overview of the techniques available for searching , to watch the week before they came into the classroom . They were also given a series of links to map orientation tutorials online ( Backshall , 2015 ) and journal articles relating to techniques such as LiDAR ( Wehr and Lohr , 1999 ; Devereux et al ., 2005 ; Kalacska et al ., 2009 ), cadaver detection dogs ( Oesterhelweg et al ., 2008 ; Cablk and Sagebiel , 2011 ; Jezierski et al ., 2012 ; Alexander et al ., 2015 ; Alexander et al ., 2016 ) and ground penetrating radar ( Pringle et al . 2012 ; Solla et al ., 2012 ; Pringle et al . 2016 ). In the classroom , we allowed a three hour session which was split between testing the students ’ knowledge on the content of the online lecture and map reading through a quiz and introducing and playing the clandestine grave with them .
To prepare for the game itself , we annotated a map ( Figure 1 ) with the whereabouts of items such as animal carcasses , human remains and decaying organic waste . We hid four bodies on our map in a variety of places ranging from out in the open to in a vehicle at the bottom of the lake . They were in a variety of states including intact , skeletonised and dismembered . However , this can be modified depending on the subject you are teaching . We made up some chance cards , which contained real-time information that may alter the search techniques in use , such as a change in weather , the expert being held up in court or gossip being heard about a suspicious activity in a specific area on the map . We also made up technique cards , which gave an overview of each technique available ( Figure 2 ), devised a list of how much each technique cost and decided a budget for the overall search and drew up a search log . Lastly , we devised a scenario ; “ A suspect has been taken into custody after being found walking down the footpath alongside the Club House ( see map ) with blood stained clothing and tools in his back pack . Under questioning , he admitted to killing and hiding four human bodies in the surrounding countryside over the last 6 months . However , he will not disclose the location of any of the remains . Your role is to plan and execute a search for these remains using the techniques available to you ”.
Instructions for the Game
For Students :
• Split the class into small groups of around 3-4 students
• Provide the class with a scenario
• Provide each team with a map
• Provide each team with technique cards and a cost list
• Provide each team with a search log
Article # 4 35