JADE Issue 12 JADE Issue 12 - November 2020 | Page 5

Teaching and Learning ( SoTL ) literature provides some helpful models to contextualise the interrelatedness of teaching and learning . One SoTL model called the ‘ teacher-scholar-practitioner ’ ( Elliot , 2017 ) views teaching as a form of scholarly learning . PhD candidates can use this paradigm to reframe teaching as more than an opportunity to develop teaching skills , but a challenge to existing power differentials and an informer of learning and development beyond the teaching space .
Another way to achieve credibility and agency is through Students as Partners ( SaP ) as it requires the identification of places in which agency can be increased through collaboration and co-inquiry ( Matthews et al ., 2019b ). SaP reports a 92 % positive rating from students and 74 % positive rating from staff in a recent systematic review ( Mercer-Mapstone et al ., 2017 ). Matthews et al . ( 2019a ) put it best by acknowledging SaP ’ s transformative potential as “ identity work that seeks to disrupt taken-forgranted power structures in universities ” ( p . 289 ). For a PhD candidate , the divide between postgraduates and academics can be brokered with a SaP lens , but postgraduates can also employ this with the students they teach .
For some people , the title of student provides a safe identity to operate within while they test out new ideas without the risk of failure , and this view shouldn ’ t be minimised . Identity work is individual and depends entirely on the readiness of the postgraduate . To some extent , it also may reflect their level of confidence . It is also possible that institutions constrain the labels available to postgraduates . With all of this in mind , I implore postgraduates to pause and consider the identity that serves them at each stage of their PhD journey . I am optimistic that with increased SoTL awareness and the promotion of SaP , the student moniker can represent both collegiality and reciprocity within higher education .
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Elliott , D . R . ( 2017 ). Bye-Bye Teacher-Scholar , Hello Teacher-Scholar ? Possibilities and Perils of Comprehensive Internationalization . Global Education Review , 4 ( 4 ).
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Matthews , K . E ., Cook-Sather , A ., Acai , A ., Dvorakova , S . L ., Felten , P ., Marquis , E ., & Mercer-Mapstone , L . ( 2019a ). Toward theories of partnership praxis : An analysis of interpretive framing in literature on students as partners in teaching and learning . Higher Education Research & Development , 38 ( 2 ), 280-293 .
Matthews , K . E ., Mercer-Mapstone , L ., Dvorakova , S . L ., Acai , A ., Cook-Sather , A ., Felten , P ., ... & Marquis , E . ( 2019b ). Enhancing outcomes and reducing inhibitors to the engagement of students and staff in learning and teaching partnerships : Implications for academic development . International Journal for Academic Development , 24 ( 3 ), 246-259 .
McAlpine , L ., & Amundsen , C . ( 2009 ). Identity and agency : pleasures and collegiality among the challenges of the doctoral journey . Studies in Continuing Education , 31 ( 2 ), 109-125 .
Mercer-Mapstone , L ., Dvorakova , S . L ., Matthews , K . E ., Abbot , S ., Cheng , B ., Felten , P ., ... & Swaim , K . ( 2017 ). A systematic literature review of students as partners in higher education . International Journal for Students as Partners , 1 ( 1 ).
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