JADE Issue 12 JADE Issue 12 - November 2020 | Page 40

 40 Title : Online Distance Learning ( ODL ) in the international context : A phenomenological study based on participant observation of module delivery as part of a TNE programme with a Chinese partner university Authors : Dr Keith Walley Harper Adams University Keywords : Online Distance Learning ( ODL ); Online teaching ; Trans-National Education ( TNE ) DOI : https :// doi . org / 10.21252 / 669E-7N31 The purpos based evalu internation phenomeno systematica delivering a programme of the pape over traditi cost alterna key stakeho that there m that also ne should con considering managing T offered the the study a delivered in platform ( G introduced provide val knowledge According t billion peop via Online D 900 % since $ 305bn ( G not market Education s ODL often 2018 ). ODL has a Abstra Article # 5 Online in the i phenom particip deliver with a Contex

 40 Title : Online Distance Learning ( ODL ) in the international context : A phenomenological study based on participant observation of module delivery as part of a TNE programme with a Chinese partner university Authors : Dr Keith Walley Harper Adams University Keywords : Online Distance Learning ( ODL ); Online teaching ; Trans-National Education ( TNE ) DOI : https :// doi . org / 10.21252 / 669E-7N31 The purpos based evalu internation phenomeno systematica delivering a programme of the pape over traditi cost alterna key stakeho that there m that also ne should con considering managing T offered the the study a delivered in platform ( G introduced provide val knowledge According t billion peop via Online D 900 % since $ 305bn ( G not market Education s ODL often 2018 ). ODL has a Abstra Article # 5 Online in the i phenom particip deliver with a Contex