JADE BWR Special Edition - December 2021 | Page 22

Cognitive / Metacognitive processes ( Palinscar and Brown , 1984 ) - Role descriptions
Questioning , predicting - Ask ( comprehension , critical , follow-up ) questions about the text - Manage the discussion
Summarising - Summarise the key points about the text and identify key message - Comment on the overall structure
Summarising - Represent the text in a different medium ( e . g . create own visual , find an image ) - Make the information more memorable
Clarifying , predicting - Identify key or new terms , important discourse markers - Categorise and contextualise key vocabulary - Explain / find synonyms or collections of key vocabulary
Clarifying , predicting - Identify key ( puzzling , exciting , moving ) passages to discuss with the group - Explain reasons for choice - Explain or elicit meaning
Clarifying , predicting , questioning - Find connections between the text and real-world experiences ( own or others ') - Prepare questions for others to invite for such comments
Clarifying , predicting , questioning - Find background information that helps understand the text better ( e . g . info about author , context , period - Research the information / evidence provided ( e . g . bias , reliability , validity ) - Find connections between text and other texts read , or learning done
Summarising - Present key comments / observations of the reading circle discussion
Table 1 : Role descriptions : Literature Circles ( LC ), Content-base