JADE BWR Special Edition - December 2021 | Page 19

Strategies to deal with some of the challenges presented by ARCs
the reasons mentioned above . For example , in a FY course a general interest topic and genre are chosen that have cross-disciplinary appeal , such as a newspaper article on mega-events . Using texts and genres that learners are familiar with can be an easier way in for them before moving to more complex and denser academic texts ( Seburn , 2015 ; TESL Ontario , 2016 ). Whereas at UG and PGT levels , texts tend to be from the core reading list so that students can be helped to engage with discipline-specific threshold concepts ( Meyer and Land , 2003 ) and co-construct ‘ theory knowledgeability ’ ( Cowley- Hasleden , 2020 ).
Finding the right balance between learner autonomy and tutor support is vital , we have discovered , as highlighted in the original principles by Daniels ( 2002 ). Students are introduced to ARCs early on in our courses and roles are assigned by the tutor with the aim of students having the opportunity to practise a different role with each text . Students are then given a few days to read the text and prepare the role tasks ( see Table 1 ) before participating in the ARC in class , either face to face or online using MS Teams , for example . This can often include assigning time in class before the ARC discussion for students in the same role to share notes and check their understanding of the role requirements . Tutors typically take on a facilitator role , allowing the ARCs to run simultaneously but monitoring and intervening where necessary to aid discussion . On our PGT courses , the last ARC is handed over to students to run independently with the aim of encouraging them to use this as a self-study strategy on their Masters . On an in-sessional programme which offers academic support for students in the School of Sociology , we have experimented with two different approaches . One is where ARCs are set up by the EAP tutor for students on a core module to run independently . This more embedded approach is followed up in seminars through extension activities such as completing concept maps or reading logs . The other approach is where ARCS are handed over to students to set up themselves outside class if they want . In this more student-led format students are shown a demonstration ARC recorded by the EAP tutor and volunteer students who are familiar with
ARCs ( typically from their pre-sessional course ). Volunteer student leaders then invite others to sign up , organise the time and place to host the ARCs as well as suggest a core reading . There are no explicit follow-up or extension activities to this type of ARC but students treat it as a practice for discussion in their seminars .
To enhance engagement and demonstrate the social nature of reading practices ( Baker et al ., 2019 ), we have also implemented the following :
• give students a choice of text from core or further reading lists ; • model ARC activities and provide checklists for challenging ARC roles ( Seburn , 2015 );
• allow for the personalisation of ARC roles to students ’ own needs , assignments or learning ;
• explicitly connect reading to assignments and / or students ’ research ( Gore-Lloyd , 2015 );
• follow up ARC discussions with closely integrated tasks such as group presentations on reading and reflection , sharing annotated texts ( Schoonmaker , 2014 ) and summary writing ( Schmidt , 2015 ).
The fact that students who had been introduced to ARCs on the pre-sessional were keen to continue using them and set them up autonomously during their Masters suggests that they understood the relevance of ARCs to their studies and were motivated by the benefits of this embedded social practice ( Wingate , 2015 ). Enabling safe supportive spaces for collaborative reading also promotes learner autonomy , trust , empathy , communication and problem-solving skills ( McCollum et al ., 2017 ; Yapp et al ., 2021 ).

Strategies to deal with some of the challenges presented by ARCs

To enhance the inclusivity of ARCs , it might be useful to consider the Universal Design
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