JADE Becoming Well Read - Spring 2023 | Page 33

consider how their own reading practices had developed over a 12-month period , but perhaps even more importantly , it provided the opportunity to reflect with others in order to develop reading practice going forward . The scope of possibilities shared by BWR delegates demonstrates the breadth of opportunity to firmly reposition reading as a vital backbone to university life . The comments and suggestions provided been further investigated in relation to existing research to draw out the educational , psychological and sociological benefits that reading brings , particularly when reading activities are collaborative , relevant and inclusive . The opportunity to receive suggestions and ideas from others via a Padlet board also highlighted the importance of continued conversations about the role of academic reading for staff and students and reiterated the poignant question of how to ensure that reading remains a central activity within Higher Education . Although there are ongoing challenges to academic reading , this article has sought to provide some further insight into how these challenges may be overcome to ensure that academic reading is repositioned in its rightful place within Higher Education .


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