Competing Interests
of a human heart and what it is exactly that we will be healing . That is an idea that the most perfect digital model can never capture ; because , if it did , us students would be writing reflections about our experiences spent on virtual dissectors . We do not .
When time in the cadaver lab is cut from the curriculum , so too are the intimate , private , unquantifiable moments that students create for themselves ; moments that cannot be replicated in any other environment with any other technology ; moments where students understand empathy . The true empathy that administrators seek for their students is not something to be taught , but something only to be learned , something that students can learn for themselves after grappling with their own mortality . Time in a cadaver lab is a privilege ; it is perhaps the only setting where students can confront death with an objective ambivalence . Technology should supplement this experience , making human dissection a more meaningful event it should not limit , or worse , creepingly replace it . Cadaver donors are the greatest teachers because they teach us about ourselves . And as a patient , I would be at ease knowing my doctor learned from the greatest of teachers .
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This article received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public , commercial , or not-forprofit sectors .
Competing Interests
The author would like to declare a competing interest between this article and his current position as a student at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine where virtual / AR anatomy instructional methods are implemented as the primary source of teaching .
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