Participants completed a feedback questionnaire addressing their HVOD experience . The Likert-type statements were combined into 6 groups : 1- participant perception of the HVOD method , 2- ease of use , 3- usefulness , 4- superiority to other methods , 5- applicability in other learning situations , and 6- the role of observation in anatomy learning . Figure 6 shows the average scores of degrees of agreement of each group .
Results indicate that overall , the HVOD method was perceived positively by participants ( Group 1 Mean = 3.58 , SD = 0.69 ). Specifically , an agreement was noted about the benefits outweighing the workshop duration ( Mean = 3 , SD = 1.04 ). The participants rated the different stages of the HVOD method as easy ( Group 2 Mean = 3.5 , SD = 0.8 ) and thought that the HVOD method was easy to master ( Mean = 3 , SD = 0.95 ). Participants found the HVOD method generally useful ( Group 3 Mean = 3.5 , SD = 0.57 ) but were neutral about its role in understanding the function of the observed structure ( Mean = 2.8 , SD = 1.22 ) and preparing for written exams ( Mean = 2.6 , SD = 1 ). Participants were neutral about the superiority of the HVOD method to digital 3D applications ( Mean = 2.33 , SD = 0.99 ) but agreed that the HVOD method is more effective than only visually observing specimens ( Mean = 3.1 , SD = 1.17 ). Participants strongly agreed with the importance of visual and haptic observation in learning anatomy ( Group 5 Mean = 4 , SD = 0.43 ) and agreed with the applicability of the HVOD method to other learning situations ( Group 6 Mean = 3.1 , SD = 0.72 ). Figure 7 shows percentages of responses to the closed-ended questions from the feedback questionnaire . All participants reported an ability to recall a mental picture of the humerus when closing the eyes . Half the participants reported a change in their observation of surrounding objects , and 41.7 % noticed a difference in their observation of anatomical structures while studying .
Figure 6 . Stacked bar graph showing the degree of agreement on grouped Likert statements . Mean scores ( bars ) of < 1strong disagreement , 1-2 disagreement , 2-3 neutral response , 3-4 agreement , > 4 strong agreement . Error bars represent the standard deviation .