Article # 5
Can the Haptico-Visual Observation and Drawing Method Enhance the Learning of Anatomy ?
Article # 5
Can the Haptico-Visual Observation and Drawing Method Enhance the Learning of Anatomy ?
Authors :
Sarah Alturkustani , Leonard Shapiro , Siobhain M O ’ Mahony , Mutahira Lone
Keywords :
Haptico-visual observation , drawing , anatomy education , 3D understanding Institutions :
Sarah Alturkustani , Siobhain M O ’ Mahony , Mutahira Lone : Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience , University College Cork , Ireland
Leonard Shapiro : Department of Human Biology , Division of Clinical Anatomy and Biological Anthropology , University of Cape Town , South Africa
Siobhain M O ’ Mahony : APC Microbiome Ireland , Cork , Ireland
Corresponding Author Contact Information :
Mutahira Lone : Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience , Floor 2 , Western Gateway Building , University College Cork , Ireland . Email : m . lone @ ucc . ie Phone : 353 ( 0 ) 21-4205494
DOI : https :// doi . org / 10.21252 / yjjy-sd29
Sound anatomical knowledge is essential for medical education and practice . Students and teachers alike believe that visual and spatial reasoning skills are key to learning anatomy . Many innovative teaching strategies promote deep understanding of anatomy by targeting spatial , visualisation , and observation skills . Among these is the Haptico-visual observation and drawing method , a method designed to enhance the understanding of the 3-dimensional anatomical form .
Thirteen MSc in Human Anatomy students participated in a Haptico-visual observation and drawing method workshop in which they observed a humerus and reflected on its anatomy while simultaneously drawing its surface features . Following the workshop , students completed reflective essay and feedback questionnaires .
Thematic analysis of the reflective essay questionnaire indicated knowledge gains achieved by deeper understanding of the observed structure . Students were able to conceptualise the multisensory input into a 3-dimensional mental image and were able to understand anatomical relationships through observation . Possible factors for learning were the complementary use of sight and touch for assisted learning by drawing . Although this method was positively perceived by students , they raised concerns of time constraints and limited applicability in typical anatomy teaching .
The Haptico-visual observation and drawing method can aid students ’ learning of anatomy by engaging them with multisensory observation and drawing , however , further quantitative studies are required to establish more solid evidence on its educational impact .