Table 1 : Example of the modification of the anatomy practical in four steps
In-class teaching
1 Removal of passive , noninteracting demonstration from the practical
Example : Practical Cardiovascular System – year 1 , 1 st semester
Pre-recorded videos – 5-20 min in length
• Skeleton – location of the heart
• Plastic model heart – basic anatomy
• Prosection heart – basic anatomy
• Prosection thorax – the heart , large vessels
Related to each video 1-3 MCQ learning checkpoint questions
Example : Which one of the chambers of the heart is situated closest to the sternum A – the right atrium B – the left atrium C – the left ventricle D – the right ventricle
2 Increasing the efficiency of interaction with the physical material provided in practicals such as models and prosections
3 Enabling a studentcentered group setting
For each of the models and prosections , a list of up to 15 key structures that need to be identified is created Example : Prosection of an unopened human heart . Keyword list . Identify : Pulmonary trunk , aorta , pulmonary arteries and veins , auricles / atrial appendages , coronary arteries , pulmonary veins , right and left atrium , right and left ventricle , interventricular sulcus , superior and inferior vena cava .
A pre-recorded video that explains the different structures in the prosection is provided in the prepractical .
Multiple copies of models and similar prosections are available so that groups of 2-5 students can access models . The groups also discuss and answer a small number of questions .
Associated questions to the examples provided above :
• Where are the borders between atria and ventricles ?
• Can you identify coronary veins ?
• Where do the majority of veins deliver the blood ?
• Can you see the sinus node in the prosection ?
4 Being strategic in the allocation of time
1 Unchanged 2 High quality video access to models
3 Unchanged 4 Unchanged
A maximum of 2 h working time allowed for the pre-practical work . This time should be added to the overall teaching time .
• Inclusion of cameras for the demonstration of models and specimen
• Use of area experts to move the camera as guided by remote students
• Students interact with the person moving the camera via web-based platform