consider and embrace future employment of art as part of our teaching methods . Students expressed a clear interest in drawing with 100 % of participants being confirmative , as many students who study dentistry have dexterity skills and employ aesthetics in their clinical skills practice .
In the light of the advances of modern technology used in teaching and learning approaches , students miss on developing attention to details and recall of details , especially important in learning structural sciences , such as anatomy , histology , cytology .
Previous studies have indicated that drawing helps students to engage with the complex anatomical planes , thereby allowing them to approach cadaveric dissection with sufficient prior knowledge , subsequently consolidating it effectively ( Leung & Saxena , 2017 ).
Students who participated voluntarily in this pilot study , did not require any previous experience of drawing and were offered complete freedom in choosing the artistic technique and tools for drawing the structure of their choice . The emphasis was on using simple lines and visual memory in recalling the structural details of different parts ( organelles / membrane ) of the cell , previously covered in their teaching sessions .
We have conducted this study as an observational and we did not consider necessary at this stage to evaluate the precise degree of appreciation and compare it among the number of participants on the basis of a series of parameters such as the degree of aptitude for artistic drawing or the degree of capacity of visual memory . We would like to develop further the study and include qualitative analysis of focused groups of participants as well as follow the parameters of summative assessments ’ performance of students
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