JADE Anatomical Sciences in Medical Education and Research (Special Edition) | Page 16

Evidence for the value of medical education

Evidence for the value of medical education

Using the alignment model depicted in Figure 1 ( right side ), the authors reviewed and summarized the literature from multiple databases for evidence reporting the value of virtual medical education including the COVID-19 imposed virtual education , from level 1 reaction to level 5 ROI and societal impact .
At Oakland University William Beaumont ( OUWB ) School of Medicine , from personal communication with their instructors , medical students reported having mixed feelings about the “ new normal ” on course evaluations . Some students preferred online learning to in-class attendance , while others preferred the traditional style of education .
The mixed reaction to virtual medical education was also echoed in the literature . Conflicting views pertained to knowledge / teaching resources , accessibility , flexibility , engagement , teamwork , technology , mental health , and assessments . Table 3 summarizes positive and negative reactions to virtual medical education based on the aforementioned themes .